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June 2017 Newsletter - Summer Solstice Celebration

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June 2017 Newsletter - Summer Solstice Celebration

Welcomed by the Teenjuree Tea Cooperative in Nepal, we met several of the 240 members who own and operate Nepal's first cooperatively run factory.

Summer Solstice Celebration

We just returned from two Tea Trips to India and Nepal where we spent over 4 weeks introducing tea drinkers to our work and partners abroad. Taste a morning in the mountains and make a cup of Nepali Delight, our tea of the month.  But no rest for the weary!  We’ve hit the ground running, and this June we are lecturing at the World Tea Expo on the Future of Indian Teas.  After that we'll be sharing our teas up and down the West Coast.  Celebrate the solstice and summer months by drinking more tea by day… and by night. Cheers!


Tea of the Month: Nepali Delight

Adorned with the floral notes of spring, this Darjeeling inspired cup of this

Nepali tea- young mountain teatea leaves one feeling fresh and invigorated. Read more here...

Use coupon code “nepalidelight” to receive 50% off your order.


The World Tea ExpoWorld Tea Expo- young mountain tea

Join us June 12-15 at the World Tea Expo in Las Vegas.  Our founder, Raj Vable, will be giving a talk on The Future of Teas in the Himalayas at 1:30pm on Tuesday, June 13. Come thirsty, tea will be served.

Tea Travels

India Trips- young mountain teaJoin us on one of our tea inspired trips to India and Nepal. Guests pick from the plants, walk the production lines, meet the producers, and drink tea all the while.  Read more here...

Meet the Producers: Teenjure Tea Cooperative

Teenjure producers young mountain teaNestled among three hillside communities lies Teenjure, Nepal’s first cooperatively run factory. Learn more here...

Join us on Instagram - Specials and Giveaways

morning naps in india- young mountain tea
Share some of your favorite tea inspired moments!  Join us on Instagram  and follow @youngmtntea to learn about monthly promotional discounts and specials, meet our Indian partners, and learn more about the world of tea.
"The mountains are calling and I must go." - John Muir

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