April 2018 Newsletter - Greetings From India

Greetings from India! We are back in Kumaon working with our friends as they bring one of India's oldest tea growing regions back to life. Follow us @youngmtntea to see the adventure unfold.
While this area was one of the first places the British cultivated tea, Kumaon (bordering Nepal's western border) never boomed like Darjeeling and Assam. Today, vacant terraces mean that there are opportunities for young Kumaon farmers to enter the tea business and create their own reputation for the region - one based on high quality, unique, single origin teas. Our Kumaon Black and Kumaon Whiteare two of the first teas from this area to be available in the west.
Learn more about Kumaon's exciting future in an article we wrote for Fresh Cup Magazine: The Catalyst Behind Kumaon's Comeback.
Join us on Instagram - Specials and Giveaways
Share some of your favorite tea inspired moments! Join us on Instagram and follow @youngmtntea to stay connected.
Hand Made Scarves 30% off
Our one of a kind scarves from Avani are on going on sale for spring!
These hand dyed scarves are made using local plants - including tea. We're are working with this women's weaving cooperative to see if tea can be inter-cropped between their indigo plants.
These silk and linen scarves are usually $50 - but are on sale for $35 from April 16 - May 4th. Use the coupon code "springscarfspecial" to redeem the offer.
IndieGoGo Update
Our first Global Tea Fellow has hit the road! Desmond will spend the next few weeks traveling in India meeting tea consultants, visiting processing facilities and meeting American companies. Learn about the Global Tea Exchange program here.
Every year we bring our customers to the homes and landscapes where our teas originate. Immerse yourself in homestays and experience India through all your senses. Contact raj@youngmountaintea.com for more information.
Copyright © 2018 Young Mountain Tea, All rights reserved.
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Young Mountain Tea
PO 501
Eugene, OR 97440
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