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March 2017 Newsletter - Green Tea Specials

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March 2017 Newsletter - Green Tea Specials
Indi Khana wading through tea field inspecting plants for growth and health
Indi Khanna, our featured tea grower of the month, in his Nilgiri tea garden.

Lucky and Green Specials 

Hang on to that handlebar mustache and follow the leprechaun's rainbow to a pot of… TEA!  With early signs of spring emerging, we thought we would celebrate the new season and St Patrick’s Day with some of our favorite GREEN teas.  Now through the end of the March enjoy 25% off either one of our Nilgiri Green Teas.  Go ahead and let the leprechaun pinch you, this opportunity is real.   We feel lucky to be drinking tea with you. Enjoy!

Teas of the Month: Nilgiri Green Swords and Nilgiri Green Smile.

This month, receive 25% our featured green teas fromNilgiri Green Swords tea leaf and bud just before being picked and processed- young mountain tea the Nilgiri region, India’s southern mountains.  Enter the following code at checkout to recieve the discount: nilgirigreen

  • Green Swords, inspired by Chinese processing traditions, is a smooth, floral tea with  a pan fried flattened leaf. Learn more here...
  • Green Smile is a bright green tea with hints of peach.  Nilgiri teas have fewer tannins comparatively and are difficult to over steep. Learn more here...

Indi’s Factory Update

One of Young Mountain Tea’s longest partners is Indi Khanna, highly regarded for raising

Indi Khanna chewing on a tea leaf while sending an email- young mountain teathe bar of tea production in the Nigiri.  Indi is in the midst of breaking ground on a new factory in the hills of south India, one that will feature educational facilities and demonstration rooms.  Meet Indi as he describes his signature tea in this video....

The Nilgiri Mountains

The Nilgiri are India’s southern tropical mountain range. It is the only Indian tea region 

Tea Studio factory in beginning stages of construction in the Nilgiri Mountains- young mountain teawhere plants produce year-round and therefore, while the land under cultivation is only slightly larger than Darjeeling, production is four times as high. Learn more about the Nilgiri here...

Join us on Instagram - Specials and Giveaways

Ready to share some of your favorite moments with us?  Join us on Instagram  and follow @youngmtntea to learn about monthly promotional discounts and specials. Meet our Indian partners, learn more about the world of tea, join us on the road and share with us some of your favorite tea-inspired moments.
"The mountains are calling and I must go." - John Muir

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