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Young Mountain Tea Monthly Newsletters- Our Newest Teas and Specials

June 2017 Newsletter - Summer Solstice Celebration

June 2017 Newsletter - Summer Solstice Celebration

Welcomed by the Teenjuree Tea Cooperative in Nepal, we met several of the 240 members who own and operate Nepal's first cooperatively run factory.

Summer Solstice Celebration

We just returned from two Tea Trips to India and Nepal where we spent over 4 weeks introducing tea drinkers to our work and partners abroad. Taste a morning in the mountains and make a cup of Nepali Delight, our tea of the month.  But no rest for the weary!  We’ve hit the ground running, and this June we are lecturing at the World Tea Expo on the Future of Indian Teas.  After that we'll be sharing our teas up and down the West Coast.  Celebrate the solstice and summer months by drinking more tea by day… and by night. Cheers!


Tea of the Month: Nepali Delight

Adorned with the floral notes of spring, this Darjeeling inspired cup of this

Nepali tea- young mountain teatea leaves one feeling fresh and invigorated. Read more here...

Use coupon code “nepalidelight” to receive 50% off your order.


The World Tea ExpoWorld Tea Expo- young mountain tea

Join us June 12-15 at the World Tea Expo in Las Vegas.  Our founder, Raj Vable, will be giving a talk on The Future of Teas in the Himalayas at 1:30pm on Tuesday, June 13. Come thirsty, tea will be served.

Tea Travels

India Trips- young mountain teaJoin us on one of our tea inspired trips to India and Nepal. Guests pick from the plants, walk the production lines, meet the producers, and drink tea all the while.  Read more here...

Meet the Producers: Teenjure Tea Cooperative

Teenjure producers young mountain teaNestled among three hillside communities lies Teenjure, Nepal’s first cooperatively run factory. Learn more here...

Join us on Instagram - Specials and Giveaways

morning naps in india- young mountain tea
Share some of your favorite tea inspired moments!  Join us on Instagram  and follow @youngmtntea to learn about monthly promotional discounts and specials, meet our Indian partners, and learn more about the world of tea.
"The mountains are calling and I must go." - John Muir

Copyright © 2018 Young Mountain Tea, All rights reserved.
At one point you mentioned wanting to stay informed about the happenings of Young Mountain Tea and the world of tea in general; this is us following through and keeping you up-to-date.

Our mailing address is:

Young Mountain Tea

PO 501

Eugene, OR 97440

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April 2017 Newsletter - Jump for Kumaon Joy

April 2017 Newsletter - Jump for Kumaon Joy
Kumaon India guided trip- Three people jumping in tea fields in India - young mountain teaYoung Mountain Tea flying high in Kumaon with guests on our guided trips to India.

Jump for Kumaon Joy!

Shed the mittens and woolens, tap your heels and tea cups together and take a leap of... Kumaon Joy! For the month of April enjoy 50% Kumaon Joy using the coupon code “jumpforjoy”.  And catch it while you can - as quickly as spring’s ephemeral flowers come and go, this limited edition black tea will not be produced again.  Glad we can put some tea in your cup and spring in your step.  Enjoy.

Tea of the Month:Kumaon Joy

Kumaon Joy is a lightly oxidized black tea with soft and sweet floral

Tea plucker- young mountain teaundertones that resemble a Darjeeling First Flush.  The unusually long wither and short oxidization gives this tea its unique taste.  Read more...  

Use coupon code “jumpforjoy” to receive 50% off your order


Kumaon's History 

Kumoan India History- young mountain tea
When the British introduced tea to India, several of the their first test plots were established in Kumaon. The plant thrived in the Himalayan soils, but the region's isolation prevented the British from setting up supply chains. Read more here...


Leaf with an Impact

Kumaon tea farmers earn 5-10 times the average rates of Indian growers.

Kumaon Tea- young mountain tea Young Mountain Tea provides additional income earning opportunities through facilitating home-stay programs, and connects Kumaon communities to progressive leaders in the tea industry.  Read more here...

The World Tea Expoworld tea expo- young mountain tea

Catapult yourself into the heart of the world's tea trade. Join us June 12-15 at the 2017 World Tea Expo in Las Vegas.  Raj Vable, founder of Young Mountain Tea, will be giving a talk on The Future of Teas in the Himalayas at 1:30pm on Tuesday, June 13. Come thirsty, tea will be served!

Join us on Instagram - Specials and Giveaways

Ready to share some of your favorite moments with us?  Join us on Instagram  and follow @youngmtntea to learn about monthly promotional discounts and specials. Meet our Indian partners, learn more about the world of tea, join us on the road and share with us some of your favorite tea-inspired moments.
"The mountains are calling and I must go." - John Muir

Copyright © 2018 Young Mountain Tea, All rights reserved.
At one point you mentioned wanting to stay informed about the happenings of Young Mountain Tea and the world of tea in general; this is us following through and keeping you up-to-date.

Our mailing address is:

Young Mountain Tea

PO 501

Eugene, OR 97440

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March 2017 Newsletter - Green Tea Specials

March 2017 Newsletter - Green Tea Specials
Indi Khana wading through tea field inspecting plants for growth and health
Indi Khanna, our featured tea grower of the month, in his Nilgiri tea garden.

Lucky and Green Specials 

Hang on to that handlebar mustache and follow the leprechaun's rainbow to a pot of… TEA!  With early signs of spring emerging, we thought we would celebrate the new season and St Patrick’s Day with some of our favorite GREEN teas.  Now through the end of the March enjoy 25% off either one of our Nilgiri Green Teas.  Go ahead and let the leprechaun pinch you, this opportunity is real.   We feel lucky to be drinking tea with you. Enjoy!

Teas of the Month: Nilgiri Green Swords and Nilgiri Green Smile.

This month, receive 25% our featured green teas fromNilgiri Green Swords tea leaf and bud just before being picked and processed- young mountain tea the Nilgiri region, India’s southern mountains.  Enter the following code at checkout to recieve the discount: nilgirigreen

  • Green Swords, inspired by Chinese processing traditions, is a smooth, floral tea with  a pan fried flattened leaf. Learn more here...
  • Green Smile is a bright green tea with hints of peach.  Nilgiri teas have fewer tannins comparatively and are difficult to over steep. Learn more here...

Indi’s Factory Update

One of Young Mountain Tea’s longest partners is Indi Khanna, highly regarded for raising

Indi Khanna chewing on a tea leaf while sending an email- young mountain teathe bar of tea production in the Nigiri.  Indi is in the midst of breaking ground on a new factory in the hills of south India, one that will feature educational facilities and demonstration rooms.  Meet Indi as he describes his signature tea in this video....

The Nilgiri Mountains

The Nilgiri are India’s southern tropical mountain range. It is the only Indian tea region 

Tea Studio factory in beginning stages of construction in the Nilgiri Mountains- young mountain teawhere plants produce year-round and therefore, while the land under cultivation is only slightly larger than Darjeeling, production is four times as high. Learn more about the Nilgiri here...

Join us on Instagram - Specials and Giveaways

Ready to share some of your favorite moments with us?  Join us on Instagram  and follow @youngmtntea to learn about monthly promotional discounts and specials. Meet our Indian partners, learn more about the world of tea, join us on the road and share with us some of your favorite tea-inspired moments.
"The mountains are calling and I must go." - John Muir

Copyright © 2018 Young Mountain Tea, All rights reserved.
At one point you mentioned wanting to stay informed about the happenings of Young Mountain Tea and the world of tea in general; this is us following through and keeping you up-to-date.

Our mailing address is:

Young Mountain Tea

PO 501

Eugene, OR 97440

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February 2017 Newsletter - Valentine's Day Specials

February 2017 Newsletter - Valentine's Day Specials

Valentine’s Day Specials 

Pulled from winter’s slumber, the groundhog emerged with… a cup of tea!  Bravely stepping into his shadow, the young pup proclaimed our new Tea of the Month: Organic Darjeeling Ruby Oolong. Celebrate Valentine’s Day with the newest addition in our collection, or perhaps with our Ethical Tea Gift Set - now including a piece of Ghiradelli chocolate.  

Thank you, as always, for choosing teas that support rural Himalayan communities and sustainable growing practices. Stay warm and keep the kettle hot! Tea of the Month: Organic Darjeeling Ruby Oolong

We’re excited to introduce the first oolong tea in our collection! This rare
Organic Ruby Oolong- Young Mountain Teagem has a rich, complex body with notes of toasted coconut, honey, and layered chocolate. It is made only on select days in June and July, when the tea pluckers are able to harvest the golden tips that give this tea its unique character. Dunk yourself in this smooth unique crimson cup with 10% off when you use the checkout code: ruby17 Valentine’s Day Gift Set Special

On Valentine’s Day, show your love for the people who create the organic
Ethical Giftset(- Young Mountain Tea teas you've come to enjoy. Our Ethical Tea Gift Set includes three tea from the Indian subcontinent's most progressive tea producers. From now through February 14 when you purchase we will include a square of Ghirardelli chocolate to sweeten the gift. Learn more about our teas in our gift set here.

Join us on Instagram - Specials and Giveaways

Ready to share some of your favorite moments with us?  JDarjeeling trip 2017- Young Mountain Teaoin us
on Instagram and follow @youngmtntea to learn about monthly promotional discounts and specials. Meet our Indian partners, learn more about the world of tea, join us on the road and share with us some of your favorite tea-inspired moments.

Tales from the Tea Trail: The Global Tea Initiative 

In January we journeyed through ice and snow to UC Davis, where

Darjeeling 2017 joined tea producers, enthusiasts, and academics as part of the university’s Global Tea Initiative - an effort to unite the scientific and cultural aspects of tea production within a research institution.  This is the first major American university attempt to take on tea from a multidisciplinary approach, and we're thrilled to find ways we can work together. Onwards!

"The mountains are calling and I must go." - John Muir

Copyright © 2018 Young Mountain Tea, All rights reserved.
At one point you mentioned wanting to stay informed about the happenings of Young Mountain Tea and the world of tea in general; this is us following through and keeping you up-to-date.

Our mailing address is:

Young Mountain Tea

PO 501

Eugene, OR 97440

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January 2017 Newsletter - Our New Year's Resolution - Drink More Tea

January 2017 Newsletter - Our New Year's Resolution - Drink More Tea
Woman in a tea field on a sunny day in Kumaon India

Our New Year's Resolution - Drink More Tea

We hope you are sipping in the new year with some of your favorite brews. To help you along the way, we're starting a new Tea of the Month that's only available through this newsletter - enjoy!

We're also excited to kick off another season of bringing tea drinkers closer to the origins of their cups by offering guided trips to Darjeeling, Nepal, and Kumaon. Join us and meet the good people who create the teas you have to come to enjoy.

Thanks as always for choosing teas that support rural Himalayan communities and sustainable growing practices. Stay warm and keep the kettle hot!
Freshly picked tea leaves in a hand with henna tattoos
Tea of the Month: Organic Kumaon White

Celebrate the snowy season with a cup of Organic Kumaon White. The smooth, creamy taste of this fresh spring pluck will warm you to the core.  One of the first regions to be tested for tea production by the British, Kumaon teas were largely undiscovered by the west until recently. We're proud to say that Young Mountain Tea is the only carrier of Kumaon teas outside of India.  For the month of January, enjoy 10% off Organic Kumaon White with the coupon code: whiteout17

Mountainside full of tea in Darjeeling India
April 7-19
Click here for more info

Always dreamed of walking the terraced tea gardens of Darjeeling? Our 13 day trip to Darjeeling and Nepal takes first to Delhi, where we explore the bustling Nation's capital. Next up, the Makaibari Estate in Darjeeling, where we'll be led through tea tasting by Rajah Banerjee, the pioneer of the world's first biodynamic tea estate, and eat home cooked meals with our homestay families.
White, green, and black tea brewed in traditional Indian cupping sets
Then journey into Nepal's hill county where we'll meet the men and women who run Teenjure, Nepal's first co-operatively run factory. Feast on Gorkhaland's traditional moms (meat and vegetable filled dumplings) and keep your eyes open for views of Mt. Everest in the distance.

We have 2 spots left on this trip, so email Raj if you're interested in joining:
Kumaon Dancing (click "display images")
April 27- May 15
Click here for more info

Join us as we travel to the heart of Young Mountain Tea’s work.  We'll begin with a  train ride into the mountains, first stop: Rishikesh, one of India’s holiest cities on the banks of the Ganges.

Next, we'll travel off the beaten path to Avani, a non-profit dedicated to creating sustainable rural livelihoods, whose leadership who first encouraged us to start our company. While there, singing and dancing are always only one song away.
Kumaon harvest
Finally hike below the forest canopy to Chirrapani, the enchanting tea garden owned by Desmond, who produces all our Kumaon teas.  Perhaps you will find yourself laughing alongside the women plucking tea on the terraced hillsides.

One spot left! If you're interested, email Raj at
"The mountains are calling and I must go." - John Muir

Copyright © 2018 Young Mountain Tea, All rights reserved.
At one point you mentioned wanting to stay informed about the happenings of Young Mountain Tea and the world of tea in general; this is us following through and keeping you up-to-date.

Our mailing address is:
Young Mountain Tea
PO 501
Eugene, OR 97440

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"The mountains are calling and I must go." - John Muir
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A beginner's guide to becoming an every day loose-leaf tea drinker

Hi all, this is Keith, and this is the first time I'm posting here. Welcome! Hello!

I figured that I'd write a post here about becoming a tea drinker, since just in this past year I transitioned from a casual tea drinker - probably more accurately described as a "tea drinker whenever I was sick" - to now, where I'm enjoying tea all the time and can barely imagine not having it as a part of my day. 

The first step, and this isn't a small thing, was that I got some really good tea. This sounds obvious, but I wasn't a regular tea drinker before I took a leap and bought a large amount of profoundly good loose-leaf Darjeeling tea. No bags, no gimmicky blends.

Now, my motivation for what was basically my first really good tea purchase was actually pretty geeky and academic - I had read in an article that Darjeeling is supposed to be some of the best tea in the world (and the article went on that that is why it's widely counterfeited - seriously, something like 75% of tea called "Darjeeling" in the world is not, in fact, Darjeeling), and I realized I couldn't imagine clearly what Darjeeling tea even tasted like. At all. This had to be addressed. (Told you - a geeky reason.)

So I bought some of the really good stuff - it happened to be a green Darjeeling - I had never had anything quite like it before, and I was like I was a kid tasting chocolate milk for the first time. I was hooked.

Step 2 is getting a good filter to make loose leaf tea easier to deal with, without being fussy or complicated or difficult to clean. Young Mountain Tea doesn't offer any tea accessories (yet), so we put together an Amazon "aStore" page to suggest some of the brewing equipment we use and give suggestions for the holidays (please follow those links for holiday shopping! It's an easy way to support us in our early stages before we have the infrastructure to support all the inventory we want).

The best way to get going is to get a good filter that fits in a mug that you already have. I suggest this as a starter: FORLIFE Brew-in-Mug Extra-Fine Tea Infuser with Lid. It is designed for the standard American mug size. I actually avoid the "infuser ball" or "infuser stick" things because they're harder to clean, have moving parts that break, and tend to be made cheaply. I've even had one that rusted.

The in-mug infusers linked in the aStore are all excellent choices, and there's also a sort of DIY bag set (call it loose-leaf training wheels) and Raj's favorite, a simple strainer for making tea with leaves directly in the pot, used to strain the leaves out when you pour it into your cup.

And that's it! There are seriously only two steps to this guide. Just: 1. find a tea you like, and 2. get a good filter.

Of course, teapots certainly have their place, and so do special cups and other accessories, so if you want to really geek out, check out the Cuisinart CPK-17 PerfecTemp 1.7-Liter Stainless Steel Cordless Electric Kettle - different temperatures for different teas!


Again, the links to use for holiday shopping are: Young Mountain Tea aStore for our holiday recommendations, and Amazon (with our referral code) for general shopping.

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